Saturday, September 29, 2012

Time just rushes on

When there is so much to do that some things just had to take a back seat. Blogging being one of them. Exercising the after almost 3 months away from the park, here I am again....

Friday, July 13, 2012

More of Floria 2012 - Close-ups

There were so many beautiful colors and arrangements that I must have taken hundreds of shots that day.

Floria 2012, PutrajayaTime with my Mother and 2nd daughter

Floria 2012. Each year there is a floral exhibition at Putrajaya and this year the theme was  Bougainvillea Enduring Beauty.

The variety of bougainvillea exhibited was stunning and I noted the bud-graft technique used to obtain different colored flowers on the same plant. 

Besides the bougainvillea, there were other beautiful exhibits as well. Competitions for schools,  universities on flower arrangements, collage, terrariums, coloring contests, landscaping. So it was certainly a great day out for my mum, daughter and I.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mom & Daughter Time

This morning, I spent some time with my daughter at Taman Jaya. So we took a few photos to add to our collection...It was another hot day, so we left after an hour or so....Well, the heat is better than haze I guess..